Monday, March 9, 2020

Out of Paper Towels (NOT a COVID 9 post)

*THIS POST IS RATED G for General Thankfulness*

There's an organization, City Team, located in Chester, PA. If you're not local, Chester is a troubled place, located in Delaware County. There's so much crime there that it can't support a grocery store. There'd be too much shoplifting to stay afloat! But they do have a prison. Anyway, City Team runs a soup kitchen and rehabs addicts and ex-cons (etc...) back into the workforce. They're a wonderful operation. Each year, they serve the community with Easter dinners, Thanksgiving meals and the real O.G. fan favorite, Christmas presents and BIKES!

Every December, the most wonderful event of the season is Toy Delivery Day at City Team. Hands down.

This Christmas, my boys and I were standing in a room filled with about 80 people listening to the director give instructions about delivering toys. I usually run into people I know that day. This year I saw a family that we knew from our former school. So nice looking. Always dressed just so. And incredibly well to do.

Orientation ended and we had to get our cars, wait in line to get our route, get packed up, and head out.

I pulled my little 20 year-old Camry into the loading zone. I felt somewhat car-shamed when they motioned me to pull over to the side as "I'd have to wait for a small load...I wouldn't be able to transport a lot." (Most volunteer drivers had minivans, SUVs and pick-up trucks) What? Small load?? NO BIKES??!? I wasn't going to be overshadowed by these Main Line soccer moms. So I --- you guessed it --- SHOWED THEM MY TRUNK. (It's huge.)

While waiting I saw a very shiny, newish, luxury SUV being loaded with bikes. Oh, it was the family we saw in orientation. My boys noticed that their son (just a little older than Levi) was now driving. But wait. The other part of their family was in ANOTHER luxury SUV behind them. (I can't tell you exactly what they were, but one rhymes with Range Rover and the other with Infinity.) My boys were suddenly aware of how wealthy they must really be. After I blotted the drool off of their green faces, I began my sermonette...

"You know boys, those kids were born rich and will die rich. But guess what? They will NEVER KNOW the THRILL of having their needs met in the surprising and amazing ways that God takes care of us..."

A couple of days before, the mailman brought us surprise Christmas gifts; gift cards and some other unexpected presents. Some anonymous. And as usual, the three of us sat down together to thank God for his provisions. And I always take the time to explain how God has promised to take care of our needs. It's an incredible lesson to share with them, and I tell them I NEVER WANT THEM TO FORGET this time in our lives - during our affliction - that God showed Himself strong. I am overwhelmed with gratefulness.

Last week I ventured out to the store for cat food and paper towels. It was nearly midnight. I had been putting it off because I was so broke. I got the cat food but had to put the paper towels back at the register because I was short.

Driving home I cut through the shopping center across the street from where I live. It was almost midnight, so everything was closed. As I drove through the shopping center, I saw something on the sidewalk. What was that? I looked in my rearview mirror and backed up. I thought I saw Bounty? Right on the sidewalk, between the Hallmark store and the Dialysis Center --->>

THRILLING. Serving the Lord and waiting on Him, while not always easy, is THRILLING.

Psalm 105:1-5
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name;
make known his deeds among the peoples!
Sing to him, sing praises to him;
tell of all his wondrous works!
Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
Seek the Lord and his strength;
seek his presence continually!
Remember the wondrous works that he has done,
his miracles


  1. Oh this is so amazing! And the fact that it was 'Bounty" brand is not lost on me. I can't!!

  2. You took the words outta my mouth. I always buy the cheaper kind! xo
