Her hair was so delicately done up with tiny white flowers and her soft brown curls were pinned back so perfectly, but for a few wisps that gently fell around her face.
How stunning. Should I try that? Nah. Probably not a look compatible with an autumn wedding.
But wait a minute. Should I even be trying to emulate her look? I mean, after all, she's divorced. AND she's remarrying!?
How horrific. What a disgrace to Christian music. What a disgrace to the Church. HOW COULD SHE? And how dare she do this to her children! I should probably put this magazine away.

I see my judgemental heart and I'm so ashamed. I always called myself a "black & white thinker", which in many ways has served me well. But what was it really?
Judgement. I'm so good at evaluating sin in others.
Now after nearly 17 years, and running the risk of sounding like another one of my idols, Lysa TerKeurst, my own marriage is coming to an end. So much pain and anguish have led up to this point, but much of the pain is hurt I now feel for women who have suffered similarly.
Growing up with grandparents who were married over 70 years, parents still married after 58 and two sisters whose marriages are in tact, I feel like a big, fat statistic.
How many years did James Dobson speak to me through my kitchen radio, "...divorce is like cancer to children..." and "...Christian families are under attack. Don't let the enemy win!"?
I am comforted by the Scriptures knowing that our merciful God has made concessions for divorce in specific circumstances, and I'm so grateful for my church and my Pastors and elders at Harvest Philly who are standing with me.
And of course my faith-filled parents, my family and my friends... I have what feels like an army of supporters.
Even still, this hurts so bad.
Please pray for us. Please pray for my children. And of course, please pray for Paul.
Praying for you all!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks.
DeleteMany thanks.
DeleteI love you friend!! Praying for you all.
DeleteI love you so super much, Sherls! You are so brave to write this. I know you are somewhere you never wanted to be nor ever imagined you'd be, but God is with you, and He is able to make beauty from these ashes. In our darkest moments, He is most present. Turn to Him, be weak so He can show Himself strong and allow Him to lead you. He KNOWS the way you take and when He has tried you, you shall come forth as gold! You're gonna be brilliant! ��
ReplyDeleteBetter be platinum, baby!! xo
DeleteBetter be platinum, baby!! xo
DeleteOh Sheryl. I so hurt with you as you walk this as one who has walked it, too. But I know Him now as I never did before. My prayers will join with so many others who love you. God loves you so...walks through it with you!
ReplyDeleteSadness and prayers for all of you. May your faith and the faith of your boys grow even stronger as you walk this road. Much love.
ReplyDeleteSheryl, hang in there. I know the pain and sadness of it all. You and your family are in my prayers!!
ReplyDeleteBe strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9
ReplyDeleteMay you feel the Body of Christ walking right along side of you, even carrying you. You are deeply loved!
And, very, very, very pretty!! :-)