Wednesday, November 27, 2019


THIS POST IS RATED G for General Thankfulness.

There was a store in my former neighborhood, Waterloo Gardens; a Main Line mainstay that employed hundreds over seven decades. It had a wonderful reputation amongst the people in the area. They boasted a nursery, upscale gift shop, fountains and hardscaping, food and houses for wild birds and experts in the field of landscaping to help you select the perfect plantings for your property. I stopped in regularly with my toddlers to tour the outdoor garden fountains during the warmer months. Window shopping there was all I really needed. At Christmastime they were famous for their Christmas Shoppe - complete with model train displays and lights galore. What was that famous miniature, lit villages brand that everyone loved to admire? Department 56 or something? I could only afford Waterloo's ornaments and gift wrap -- and only on December 26th for their post Christmas sale.

It was October, 2017 when we left my childhood home in Havertown; home that had been our sanctuary-city for, what was supposed to be a couple of weeks, but turned into three months. I had to leave many things behind at my marital residence, but God provided, like He always does, through the kindness of others.

One thing I had always longed for in my home was window lights. The warm glow coming from the windowsills always provided a welcoming and safe feeling during the cold months, especially when it became dark so early in the evening. But I had cats and casement windows and children - and was never sure how to secure the lights from being knocked over by one.

Shortly after I moved to my new apartment, I saw an ad on one of the Facebook sites... A woman had a bunch of electric, brass candle lamps for sale. I'm not sure about where you live, but around here, if you don't reply SOLD immediately, it'll be snatched out from under you in the blink of an eye by another shopping neighbor.

I didn't really read the description thoroughly, but in my haste I typed SOLD. Her home was near my King of Prussia church, so that Sunday I made my way over to meet her.

For $20 I walked out with a number of candle sticks; adjustable to be secured by shutting the window on the handle. Perfect! My cats won't knock them down.

There were ten lamps in the set. I was afraid to count the windows in my apartment in my head, so I waited...

I was ecstatic to find I had EXACTLY ten windows in my new apartment!!! I was beside myself. Then I opened the boxes of lamps, and to my delight... O my gracious, they came from my favorite store!?!?!

I realize it sounds silly, but having these candle lights in my windows gives me great hope, assurance and delight. I know God Himself led me to these lights, and I feel loved when they are lit. God, my Savior, is in the details of my life and I love it.

Matt 6:8 “...and your Father knows what you need even before you ask.”