Friday, December 30, 2016

Why nothing else can satisfy

Prince, Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston, Bobbi Kristina Brown, Chris Farley, River Phoenix, Elvis Presley, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, George Michael
... A long list continues.

Hollywood high-rollers who appeared to have it all but just couldn't cope with life on terra firma.

Fame, money, fame, money, and fame. Shoes. Gucci bags. Numerous homes. Travel. Women. Anything money could buy. Fame. And more money. But clearly, those things aren't cures for the hurts deep within each of us.

Have you ever asked yourself why?

The One that created you, that created me, created us with, as the song goes, a "God-shaped hole" in all of us. That longing for something, for satisfaction, for peace, for answers, for 'why am I here?' --- for something Supernatural can only be filled by our Maker Himself.

Jesus says in John's gospel, "But whoever drinks the water I give them will NEVER THIRST..." and Jesus continues..."I am the Bread of LIFE. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." (John 4:14 and John 6:35.)

These poor souls were tormented by this longing for something more, but instead of running toward God, they ran from Him - and to things that couldn't satisfy their longings.

God can be known and He wants you to know Him so He can satisfy the hunger and thirst in you.

I do hope you'll consider these things.